Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Real talk for my peoples on the block...

New Trae in stores today so run and go get that. I'm only gonna endorse the realest and once again the realest is coming from Houston. What other region - seriously answer this in the comments with real examples cuz I wanna know - has put out rap records as real as Houston in the past couple months?

Seriously, tell me. And I'm talking about real, not dance music.

Grit Boys

All real.

And there's more coming too.

But for now go get the Trae, do yourself a favor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bitch as muthafucka

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are hip hop ignorance at its finest.
dumb fuck.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm from htown and all so i appreciate what you are trying to say: trae is real as fuck, ugk are legends, and chamil is one of the best in the game right now (plus he went to my hs), but the grit boys ARE NOT REAL AT ALL! seriously i wish they didn't represent my city cause they are pretty much trash, as are paul "fake ass" wall and mike jones. real talk, paul slayton is from the middleclass burbs and moved to the hood to get street cred, plus he didn't jam dj screw til after the man was dead,look it up!

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why hate?

If it doesn't effect your life, why hate?

Why are some of you SO concerned about people who are not a part of your lives?

I have a solution for you haters:

If you dont like the artist(s), dont buy the CD. My solution is like your mind... it's pretty simple.

Good luck to ANY Houston artist making noise. I wish them ALL the best.

9:44 PM  
Blogger pablo said...

as not even an american, but a spaniard...

the only interesting hip hop out this year (and for the last 3 or 4) have come out of houston

maybe the grit boys have been the ones shorter to make the cut, buuuuuuuuuut, they beat the shit outta any 50, kanye or dipset bullshit flooding the racks in any music shop

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

went to iTunes to cop this. Only available as a twenty dollar album. Fuck that. Ten bucks for a recommendation I got. Try to gouge me, Trae or Trae's label? Get nothing. Respect your audience or get ripped off.

6:22 AM  
Blogger Pushermania said...

Well I agree some labels are a lil behind the times when it comes to the marketing and selling of this shit in this day and time, its not an easy game right now and unless you're in it you have no idea what these folks are truly going through right now.

And if I am hip hop ignorance at its finest, whos the worst? You little faggot came on here anonymously so fuck you. You wanna talk down, use your name, as I do.

That fuckin' Grit Boys album jams, and i dont give a fuck where Paul is from, he's made it, unlike you obviously you anonymous little twit. Out yourself and we can talk real.

PS The Turf Talk album is good. Word to the Bay.

7:53 AM  
Blogger TrillAustin said...

lol at the haters.

1:46 PM  
Blogger DC to BC said...

yo, right after i came to your blog, i copped that fucking album. and fuck everybody talking shit. i'm from DC, and trae's last album went like shiiit. it was crazy. screw done already warned me, swang, cadillac, no help, it was a real album, forreal. how often do you find that these days!? we all know that's rare. honestly, houston does the best job these days of holding their area down. cham, slim thugga, trae, paul, z-ro, everybody out that bitch is a beast. yzr.

dctobc.blogspot.com come by and voice your opinions on my blog, yall.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo Matt, this is LeAndre "Gamble" of Soul Phunk, now between u and me, U know from that beat CD I gave U...I could made Trae's album and had some bangas on that huh? Right or Wrong? LOL, I promise niggas sleepin on me!
What'd u think about that beat CD I gave u tho? Have u played it on air?

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Leandre

Not having a track placement with Trae is based on one HUGE thing...This game is based on personal relationships.

There are plenty of folks who have "heat". There are also plenty of folks who are not known.

What you should do, is get out there, network, be known, and be accessible.

It will happen for you.

Keep up the grind, dude.

8:41 AM  
Blogger AnaRacecar said...

That Turf Talk is the best rap record to come out in a minute. It makes sense that it gets love in Houston, you both are known to stretch out a "maaaaaayne".

12:27 PM  
Blogger Pushermania said...

Gamble! Im def feeling the CD just keep grinding. And ANA I love your blog. Good taste for sure. Lovin that GRIND TIME!

PEACE matt

1:59 PM  
Blogger AnaRacecar said...

Thanks, I'm lovin that BOREDOMS at your spot.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Pushermania said...

Anaracecar has TASTE!

6:45 AM  
Blogger MH said...

this trae album is horrible compared to his older stuff..for his whole discography check my myspace..u will know what im talking about

9:44 PM  
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