Hot 93.3 Austin Meltdown Pics!
Welp the election is just 2 weeks away, but early voting starts in Texas on Monday. I'd like to throw all the polls in the toilet and ask you to go vote, early, for Chris Bell for governor.

I say this for a few reasons. One, like most of y'all, deep down in my heart I support Kinky Friedmann. However the only REAL reason I support Kinky is because I want to see the dude get in there and fuck some serious shit up. I want him to wreak havok on our state and make the evil suits who run this bitch cringe everytime they wake up in the morning. So see, my reasons for supporting Kinky are purely selfish. I honestly wanna see this state get shaken up a bit.
But that's just me. The number one goal we have to achieve with this election is to get Rick Perry's bitch ass out of office. Over 200 public schools have been closed under his tenure. He wants to build a fence across the Mexican border. He's a typical corporate slime sucking Republican sack of shit and he has to go.
Unfortunately most of Texas doesn't feel like me. Most Texans are not teachers, however if you ask any teacher in the state how they feel about this election, they'll more than likely echo my sentiments.
Many people in Texas want to see brown people killed, deported, treated like shit, etc... Many people in this state are in favor of building a fence across the Mexican border. Real, decent people, do not feel this way. Chris Bell does not feel this way and in my opinion we have to work as hard as we can to ensure that we don't get another Great Wall of China, or Berlin Wall draped across the southern edge of our country. If that is not important to you you need to go back and study your history, if you can find a school that is still open and willing to teach such a thing. (Not sure if that stuff is on the TASS Test. Or whatever the fuck that stupid test is called, so Texas schools might not cover such things).
Anyway yes, Chris Bell is another white, politician dude in a suit. I don't know if he's gonna save the world, but he is the only other person in this election with a chance to win other than Perry. Even though Perry will probably trounce on everyone else in the election cuz his supporters are the vast majority, the dumb butt haters.
Whatever, I can't ask you to do much else but vote. Do your fuckin part lazy ass. AT LEAST vote. And be sure to go to CHRIS BELL'S MYSPACE and add him as a friend. Here you can find lots of fun facts and let this dude know that the community is thinking about him. He's got like 300 friends, while Kinky has over 20,000.
Kinky is gonna win Austin, the Heights and the Montrose and the rest of the state will go to Perry if you don't do your part.
(PS I am way more of an Anarchist than I am a Democrat, but fact is Perry has to go. Help. Send.)
Here's some links:
Clean Government Advocates for Chris Bell
Chris Bell's Blog
Austin Chronicle's Endorsement of Chris Bell
Anyway let me stop. On to the Rappers and the Ass.
Actually before we get to the rappers and ass lemme send a public THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS out to Chamillionaire for going truly platinum plus and actually sending me a plaque. I never got a plaque from anyone before and believe me, this means a lot. I have been a fan since day one and have tried to look out for dude in my own little way since day two. Dude is the dude of dudes and one of the smartest rappers I ever met, if not the smartest. I appreciate you thinking of me man and hope that album #2 goes even bigger.
I predicted the success of The Sound of Revenge right here on this blog. I knew he would be the only one to REALLY take it over the top (until Dec. 12 then UGK gonna take it so far over the top we gonna have to need binoculars to see 'em. Bun B. GIMME A FUCKIN SONG FUCK EVERYWHERE ELSE GIMME A SONG GIMME A SONG GIMME A SONG THE PEOPLE ARE SCREAMING FOR IT. I mean, I'm screaming for it. Bun B in Japan in November with Yung Joc? Ummmmmmmmm, I'ma keep you posted).
He did that. Respect Chamillioniare and look out for him and Rapid Ric in Europe throughout November.

I done told y'all to recognize a playa.
This past Thursday night Hot 93.3 in Austin held their annual listener appreciation concert of sorts. Pimp C, Chamillionaire, Wine-O, Chingo Bling and way more performed. Shit was off the hook as evidenced by these photos. Peace to Bradley Grien for keeping it really real.
If I move to Austin can me and Rapid Ric be on the air every night playing underground realness? I thought not but wanted to ask.

I totally forgot that Chicken George is an on air mixer at Hot 93. Man, I'ma tell you what, that's some real shit. Putting a forward thinking musical dude like Chicken George on commercial radio really says something to me. Seen here with Mr. Blakes of ME Television's new soul revue entitled SMOOTH.

In my opinion, Black Mike and Gerald G are the main reasons why you should not be ignoring Central Texas right now. I'll point out a few more as we go down the list. But stop sleepin' before these boys put that pillow over your face.

Here's Dru Fay of ME Television and Deuce and friend (on the left)

Basswood Lane is also a good reason to watch for Central Texas and that sound. Seen here with Eddie Deville and Stunta

This girl lost her head

Chingo finna hurt 'em!

Chingo Bling and Stunta

I don't see a lot of naughty librarians at rap shows, but this one was at this one and well, she didn't bring any books and had no idea what I was talking about when I said I wanted her to pose with some books. She just said "What?" And poked her ass out for you.

Mr. Blakes and Chalie Boy. Chalie Boy gonna be the next hype out of Texas for 2007. Major labels might want to get off their keesters.

Chingo Bling ripped it.

Chingo with Swift from Carnival Beats. Yet another reason....

CHingo Bling escapes from his interview with Dru Fay.

Rapid Ric, Deuce from Hot 93, Oscar from Luxury Mindz, and this dude who don't like his picture on the internets. Luxury Mindz has more quality photos than me.

Rochelle from Hot 93 did not steal me any beer this year but she's still real cool with me, seen here with a friend.

Wine-O popped trunk on the mostly 12 year old crowd.

These ladies loved it.

Dat Boy Mikee and friend, another producer to keep your eye on.

Big Rob da Ryno getting interviewed.

VIP Is the most hustlin' group in all of Central Texas at the moment and they should be watched as well.

As should this. Don't send this one to the library.


Yep she ended up on stage, showing the crowd of 12 year olds her thong.

Someone grabbed her off but she just kept dancing on the side.

Sean P and PLA of Set 4 Life.

Tony C, Axsel, Spark Dawg - another Central texas reason from Killeen.

Cory Mo ended up getting on stage and ripping a set when Pimp C was a lil late. SHit was great. Seen here with Rapid Ric

Rapid Ric and Chalie Boyo

This dude here, I was trying to get a photo from the balcony and maybe got a lil pushy, he turned around and said "OK I'll move but only cuz you are Matt from HoustonSoReal." And I thought to myself, man people actually look at this shit.

She doesn't look at this shit.

It's not totally fair to say that Pimp C was totally late. He was about 20 minutes late for his set, but the thng that was throwed off is Dem Franchize Boyz didn't make their flight so they cancelled (Boo Hoo) so they were scheduled togo on right before Pimp C and well, their set was empty and Pimp pulled up a lil late for his own set soooooo there was a huge gap filled in by Cory Mo, Rapid Ric and then THE WHUT IT DEW Family. Or part of it. Really it was Chalie Boy who came out and took command of the stage and had fools trippin' off his accapellas. Which is a HUGE deal when most of the people before him lipsynched at least a little bit.
but then the Pimp entered the building...

And the young children loved his tales of selling crack and directing strippers as to what to do when he is waving some bills in their face.

Seriously, Pimp C fuckin' ripped it and I loved it, but um, the crowd WAS mostly people under 15. I am not kidding.

And I also don't really wanna see too many more Bun B and Pimp C solo shows, let's get UGK on a fuckin' stage or three PRONTO!
December 12th...

Wine-O called me a "Legend." I asked him why and he said it's because I knwo EVERYTHING about hip-hop. I think the proper word would be nerd, but I appreciate that Wine-O.

DJ Ebonix!

And yes of course there were normal girls in attendance as well. Who didn't bend over for anything.

Or show their thongs, they were just good, music fans. Thank you for coming.
Then Cham hit the stage and tore that bitch down. It was total insanity.

Like how I like to see. Truthfully (I'ma write about lip synching in a second so you'll se ehwo this relates) I am a little tired of hearing Cham's vocal track behind him when he is rapping. I like that he does it a lil different from other rappers and pitches his backing track way down, but shit man... just rap.

After the show V-Roc was outside hustlin'!

And here's DJ Sense and his son, also keeping it real!
O.K. Look 2 days ago I would have written a fucking treatise on how wack it is for rappers to be lip synching, and would have probably announced that I am never listening to rap music again. I can't even handle watching these monkey ass robots get on stage and lip synch, or at least partially rap over their own vocals. It's lazy, it's stupid, it's disrespectful and it makes you look ridiculous.
I know I know, the fans are cheering who gives a fuck. But you, rapper ass, are supposed to be out there celebrating our art, putting it out into the air, not dancing a fuckin' jig over a pre-recorded tape. People paid to see you so here's some advice.
1. Stop smoking so many blunts.
2. Show up to sound check and get the shit right.
3. Rehearse, other artists from other genres (and the truly succesful ones from yours) do.
4. Have a little respect for your fans. Just a little.
5. Stop lip synching you look like an idiot. This is not the Mickey Mouse CLub, this is rap, and you make me sick.
I say this for a few reasons. One, like most of y'all, deep down in my heart I support Kinky Friedmann. However the only REAL reason I support Kinky is because I want to see the dude get in there and fuck some serious shit up. I want him to wreak havok on our state and make the evil suits who run this bitch cringe everytime they wake up in the morning. So see, my reasons for supporting Kinky are purely selfish. I honestly wanna see this state get shaken up a bit.
But that's just me. The number one goal we have to achieve with this election is to get Rick Perry's bitch ass out of office. Over 200 public schools have been closed under his tenure. He wants to build a fence across the Mexican border. He's a typical corporate slime sucking Republican sack of shit and he has to go.
Unfortunately most of Texas doesn't feel like me. Most Texans are not teachers, however if you ask any teacher in the state how they feel about this election, they'll more than likely echo my sentiments.
Many people in Texas want to see brown people killed, deported, treated like shit, etc... Many people in this state are in favor of building a fence across the Mexican border. Real, decent people, do not feel this way. Chris Bell does not feel this way and in my opinion we have to work as hard as we can to ensure that we don't get another Great Wall of China, or Berlin Wall draped across the southern edge of our country. If that is not important to you you need to go back and study your history, if you can find a school that is still open and willing to teach such a thing. (Not sure if that stuff is on the TASS Test. Or whatever the fuck that stupid test is called, so Texas schools might not cover such things).
Anyway yes, Chris Bell is another white, politician dude in a suit. I don't know if he's gonna save the world, but he is the only other person in this election with a chance to win other than Perry. Even though Perry will probably trounce on everyone else in the election cuz his supporters are the vast majority, the dumb butt haters.
Whatever, I can't ask you to do much else but vote. Do your fuckin part lazy ass. AT LEAST vote. And be sure to go to CHRIS BELL'S MYSPACE and add him as a friend. Here you can find lots of fun facts and let this dude know that the community is thinking about him. He's got like 300 friends, while Kinky has over 20,000.
Kinky is gonna win Austin, the Heights and the Montrose and the rest of the state will go to Perry if you don't do your part.
(PS I am way more of an Anarchist than I am a Democrat, but fact is Perry has to go. Help. Send.)
Here's some links:
Clean Government Advocates for Chris Bell
Chris Bell's Blog
Austin Chronicle's Endorsement of Chris Bell
Anyway let me stop. On to the Rappers and the Ass.
Actually before we get to the rappers and ass lemme send a public THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS out to Chamillionaire for going truly platinum plus and actually sending me a plaque. I never got a plaque from anyone before and believe me, this means a lot. I have been a fan since day one and have tried to look out for dude in my own little way since day two. Dude is the dude of dudes and one of the smartest rappers I ever met, if not the smartest. I appreciate you thinking of me man and hope that album #2 goes even bigger.
I predicted the success of The Sound of Revenge right here on this blog. I knew he would be the only one to REALLY take it over the top (until Dec. 12 then UGK gonna take it so far over the top we gonna have to need binoculars to see 'em. Bun B. GIMME A FUCKIN SONG FUCK EVERYWHERE ELSE GIMME A SONG GIMME A SONG GIMME A SONG THE PEOPLE ARE SCREAMING FOR IT. I mean, I'm screaming for it. Bun B in Japan in November with Yung Joc? Ummmmmmmmm, I'ma keep you posted).
He did that. Respect Chamillioniare and look out for him and Rapid Ric in Europe throughout November.

I done told y'all to recognize a playa.
This past Thursday night Hot 93.3 in Austin held their annual listener appreciation concert of sorts. Pimp C, Chamillionaire, Wine-O, Chingo Bling and way more performed. Shit was off the hook as evidenced by these photos. Peace to Bradley Grien for keeping it really real.
If I move to Austin can me and Rapid Ric be on the air every night playing underground realness? I thought not but wanted to ask.

I totally forgot that Chicken George is an on air mixer at Hot 93. Man, I'ma tell you what, that's some real shit. Putting a forward thinking musical dude like Chicken George on commercial radio really says something to me. Seen here with Mr. Blakes of ME Television's new soul revue entitled SMOOTH.

In my opinion, Black Mike and Gerald G are the main reasons why you should not be ignoring Central Texas right now. I'll point out a few more as we go down the list. But stop sleepin' before these boys put that pillow over your face.

Here's Dru Fay of ME Television and Deuce and friend (on the left)

Basswood Lane is also a good reason to watch for Central Texas and that sound. Seen here with Eddie Deville and Stunta

This girl lost her head

Chingo finna hurt 'em!

Chingo Bling and Stunta

I don't see a lot of naughty librarians at rap shows, but this one was at this one and well, she didn't bring any books and had no idea what I was talking about when I said I wanted her to pose with some books. She just said "What?" And poked her ass out for you.

Mr. Blakes and Chalie Boy. Chalie Boy gonna be the next hype out of Texas for 2007. Major labels might want to get off their keesters.

Chingo Bling ripped it.

Chingo with Swift from Carnival Beats. Yet another reason....

CHingo Bling escapes from his interview with Dru Fay.

Rapid Ric, Deuce from Hot 93, Oscar from Luxury Mindz, and this dude who don't like his picture on the internets. Luxury Mindz has more quality photos than me.

Rochelle from Hot 93 did not steal me any beer this year but she's still real cool with me, seen here with a friend.

Wine-O popped trunk on the mostly 12 year old crowd.

These ladies loved it.

Dat Boy Mikee and friend, another producer to keep your eye on.

Big Rob da Ryno getting interviewed.

VIP Is the most hustlin' group in all of Central Texas at the moment and they should be watched as well.

As should this. Don't send this one to the library.


Yep she ended up on stage, showing the crowd of 12 year olds her thong.

Someone grabbed her off but she just kept dancing on the side.

Sean P and PLA of Set 4 Life.

Tony C, Axsel, Spark Dawg - another Central texas reason from Killeen.

Cory Mo ended up getting on stage and ripping a set when Pimp C was a lil late. SHit was great. Seen here with Rapid Ric

Rapid Ric and Chalie Boyo

This dude here, I was trying to get a photo from the balcony and maybe got a lil pushy, he turned around and said "OK I'll move but only cuz you are Matt from HoustonSoReal." And I thought to myself, man people actually look at this shit.

She doesn't look at this shit.

It's not totally fair to say that Pimp C was totally late. He was about 20 minutes late for his set, but the thng that was throwed off is Dem Franchize Boyz didn't make their flight so they cancelled (Boo Hoo) so they were scheduled togo on right before Pimp C and well, their set was empty and Pimp pulled up a lil late for his own set soooooo there was a huge gap filled in by Cory Mo, Rapid Ric and then THE WHUT IT DEW Family. Or part of it. Really it was Chalie Boy who came out and took command of the stage and had fools trippin' off his accapellas. Which is a HUGE deal when most of the people before him lipsynched at least a little bit.
but then the Pimp entered the building...

And the young children loved his tales of selling crack and directing strippers as to what to do when he is waving some bills in their face.

Seriously, Pimp C fuckin' ripped it and I loved it, but um, the crowd WAS mostly people under 15. I am not kidding.

And I also don't really wanna see too many more Bun B and Pimp C solo shows, let's get UGK on a fuckin' stage or three PRONTO!
December 12th...

Wine-O called me a "Legend." I asked him why and he said it's because I knwo EVERYTHING about hip-hop. I think the proper word would be nerd, but I appreciate that Wine-O.

DJ Ebonix!

And yes of course there were normal girls in attendance as well. Who didn't bend over for anything.

Or show their thongs, they were just good, music fans. Thank you for coming.
Then Cham hit the stage and tore that bitch down. It was total insanity.

Like how I like to see. Truthfully (I'ma write about lip synching in a second so you'll se ehwo this relates) I am a little tired of hearing Cham's vocal track behind him when he is rapping. I like that he does it a lil different from other rappers and pitches his backing track way down, but shit man... just rap.

After the show V-Roc was outside hustlin'!

And here's DJ Sense and his son, also keeping it real!
O.K. Look 2 days ago I would have written a fucking treatise on how wack it is for rappers to be lip synching, and would have probably announced that I am never listening to rap music again. I can't even handle watching these monkey ass robots get on stage and lip synch, or at least partially rap over their own vocals. It's lazy, it's stupid, it's disrespectful and it makes you look ridiculous.
I know I know, the fans are cheering who gives a fuck. But you, rapper ass, are supposed to be out there celebrating our art, putting it out into the air, not dancing a fuckin' jig over a pre-recorded tape. People paid to see you so here's some advice.
1. Stop smoking so many blunts.
2. Show up to sound check and get the shit right.
3. Rehearse, other artists from other genres (and the truly succesful ones from yours) do.
4. Have a little respect for your fans. Just a little.
5. Stop lip synching you look like an idiot. This is not the Mickey Mouse CLub, this is rap, and you make me sick.
yo matt thanks for hookin up the photo on the page man. mad respect for doin what you do.
Whut it dew...
Can you please do something on the whole 'whut it dew' clique...BubbaLuv included thanx..
Love your site..
Glad to see Chamillionaire came through on the Platinum. That's really cool.
Thats really awesome that Koopa sent you a plaque. Keep doin it big, dog! Peace, and stop the lip synching!!! ..hey new movement! :)
First of all, I live in Austin and you and Ric on the radio is something we need right now. I did not go to the meltdown for the simple fact I knew it was gonna be nothing but kids, and I want to see Pimp and Bun on the same stage dammit! That shit about lip-synching is on point brother!! That some sacreligious shit right there- you supposed to MC, and you rapping over your own voice!!!??? Keep doing your thing- and good looking out on the political advice.
So...you say you support Kinky, are you (or did you) vote for him or not, voting for him is support. You forgot to say fuck twenty more times.
well, technically, it ain't lip-syncing.
but it is wack.
i mean, for the most part, rappers that do "live" shows
and use tapes/reels/cds with instrumentals
are plain WACK wackitty wackitty WACK!!
ok, you're a nobody solo rapper on an am station?
fine. excused. you can do your tracks from cds.
but rappers need to get a dj or a band or someshit.
that's like the lead singer of a band
leaving the band behind
and performing live by himself
playing instrumentals on the house speakers!
ON THE OTHER HAND, some venue sound-systems are horrible,
it's difficult to hear clear instrumentals
to rap to especially with the crowd-noise,
and if/when the drums vibrate the entire building.
so they got that background vocals, so you don't fall off tempo.
the big timers like madonna and britney use the earpiece things
for similar reasons,
plus, they dance around so much,
plus, it helps them to (try to) sing on key.
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