Even Rock and Rollers Get the Tazer Treatment in My Hood - For Real - Last Night at Walters on Washington
Man hold up. Last night I was flipping through the channels when I saw a report on the news about a small night club about half a mile from my house. Walters on Washington is a juke joint that in recent years has played host to everyone from Cex to Ratatat to the Boot Camp Click. It looks like an old Texas dance hall and probably was at some point in time. Beers are $1.50 and it generally attracts the indie rocker / alt country crowd. It's one of the few independent live music venues we have left here in Houston, and is a vital part of a lot of scenes that really have no place else to go.
Anyway, this little slice of Washington Avenue, back in my day, used to be a seedy lil strip with not much happening on it save for the occassional punk rock show. The neighborhood was almost 100% Mexican familes and you didn't hear much about it.
However, like all inner city neighborhoods in semi-close proximity to a downtown area, in recent years the developers have moved in and the piece of shit yuppies have followed. And with the dipshit yuppies come the noise complaints. See yuppie pieces of shit can't figure out why when they move into a building with paper thin walls, built with the cheapest materials and labor greed can buy, directly behind a night club that has been rocking and rolling for like 50 years, they might have to deal with a little noise.
God forbid they might have to deal with people walking to their cars at 2 a.m.
Oh the horrors of neighborhood culture, can't we all just lock ourselves behind our gates and get along?
Anyway, Friday night, they had an incident with a Pig who looked like he took too many steroids mixed with Jack Daniels. I'm going to paste what the Editors of the Free Press sent out about the incident and post the You Tube evidence of this fucking hoglets psychosis.
"Last night (Fri. Oct 13), a single officer responded to a noise complaint about live music at Walter's on Washington. As opposed to following protocol and procedure used by all other officers responding to similar complaints at Walter's, this 'over zealous' decides to walk in, avoid managment, and get on stage and subsequently slam the guitar player on the stage, attack the drummer, and break a 90 year old upright bass (members of 'Two Gallant'.... As can be expected, the crowd rushed the stage and tried to break up the ensuing chaos. This officer responded by tasing several people including 14 yr old kids, pushing people around, etc. Once his backup arrived, 6 people were arrested including a 15 year old girl and others who were not involved. There is currently an effort to galvanise folks behind an effort to re-evaluate the current taser policy and put hpd's feet to the fire; along with the douchebag officer. Photos and video are available below."
Man, hold, up. Check out the video and you say for yourself.
Watch at the very beginning of this video as the pig slams the guitar player to the ground. Guitar player didn't seem to be moving towards him at all.
Dude looks like a rabid, wild boar running into a chicken coop. For a noise violation, at a night club, that has been there doing it's thing before dude ever became a cop and way before the yuppies moved in.
Fuck you yuppies who think you can spend half a million dollars on a house made out of tin and plaster, throw off the whole look, feel and vibe of a neighborhood, driving property taxes up and the people out, and then complain about shit. Go the fuck back to your quiet suburbs and rot.
Shit makes me so mad. It's like in Austin how they opened all those condos in the vicinity of 6th Street (that cities life blood next to UT Football) and now all the venues have to deal with the sound nazis to make sure they don't bother one of their very new neighbors. Maybe they should build condos up by the football field and force everyone to sit quietly with their hands folded during the UT/A&M game. See how that works.
I don't know what to do about this but help to get the word out and let you see this piglet in action.
Oh this just in, see the pig actually use his taser here:
Houston Police Officer, Two Gallants, Music Venue
Anyway, this little slice of Washington Avenue, back in my day, used to be a seedy lil strip with not much happening on it save for the occassional punk rock show. The neighborhood was almost 100% Mexican familes and you didn't hear much about it.
However, like all inner city neighborhoods in semi-close proximity to a downtown area, in recent years the developers have moved in and the piece of shit yuppies have followed. And with the dipshit yuppies come the noise complaints. See yuppie pieces of shit can't figure out why when they move into a building with paper thin walls, built with the cheapest materials and labor greed can buy, directly behind a night club that has been rocking and rolling for like 50 years, they might have to deal with a little noise.
God forbid they might have to deal with people walking to their cars at 2 a.m.
Oh the horrors of neighborhood culture, can't we all just lock ourselves behind our gates and get along?
Anyway, Friday night, they had an incident with a Pig who looked like he took too many steroids mixed with Jack Daniels. I'm going to paste what the Editors of the Free Press sent out about the incident and post the You Tube evidence of this fucking hoglets psychosis.
"Last night (Fri. Oct 13), a single officer responded to a noise complaint about live music at Walter's on Washington. As opposed to following protocol and procedure used by all other officers responding to similar complaints at Walter's, this 'over zealous' decides to walk in, avoid managment, and get on stage and subsequently slam the guitar player on the stage, attack the drummer, and break a 90 year old upright bass (members of 'Two Gallant'.... As can be expected, the crowd rushed the stage and tried to break up the ensuing chaos. This officer responded by tasing several people including 14 yr old kids, pushing people around, etc. Once his backup arrived, 6 people were arrested including a 15 year old girl and others who were not involved. There is currently an effort to galvanise folks behind an effort to re-evaluate the current taser policy and put hpd's feet to the fire; along with the douchebag officer. Photos and video are available below."
Man, hold, up. Check out the video and you say for yourself.
Watch at the very beginning of this video as the pig slams the guitar player to the ground. Guitar player didn't seem to be moving towards him at all.
Dude looks like a rabid, wild boar running into a chicken coop. For a noise violation, at a night club, that has been there doing it's thing before dude ever became a cop and way before the yuppies moved in.
Fuck you yuppies who think you can spend half a million dollars on a house made out of tin and plaster, throw off the whole look, feel and vibe of a neighborhood, driving property taxes up and the people out, and then complain about shit. Go the fuck back to your quiet suburbs and rot.
Shit makes me so mad. It's like in Austin how they opened all those condos in the vicinity of 6th Street (that cities life blood next to UT Football) and now all the venues have to deal with the sound nazis to make sure they don't bother one of their very new neighbors. Maybe they should build condos up by the football field and force everyone to sit quietly with their hands folded during the UT/A&M game. See how that works.
I don't know what to do about this but help to get the word out and let you see this piglet in action.
Oh this just in, see the pig actually use his taser here:
Houston Police Officer, Two Gallants, Music Venue
Man, I've played WoW several times and Pam is the sweetest, most considerate, nicest clubowner...this is straight bullshit, I mean I'm an indie rock dude, right - is the cop really worried that the fucking Two Gallants crowd is gonna go mental or something? This is just a disgrace.
Why did they remove the Myspace page?
I wish I could have made it to the City Council meeting. How'd that go? Did it happen w/ the weather and all? This shit is out of control. If anyone thinks this type of behavior is reserved for certain people of a certain race or from a certain area, you're sadly mistaken. I can personally say I've experienced the brutality and the anger of injustice. I was assaulted some time ago at Voodoo Lounge (remember that?), by three black male hpd officers. I only mention their race because it was most definitley relevant. I'd love a chance to share my story and do some good.
let's hear it.
I was asking if the City Council meeting happened or not? I would have liked to had a few minutes, but I don't mind sharing now.
Basically, I had just gotten to the club when a girl (led by cops and obviously heated) approached me and asked where the fuck my friend was. I told her my friends were right here (three black girls). She then said "Don't play stupid Bitch, where the fuck is your friend!" I then told her I didn't know what she was talking about and asked the cop to get her the fuck out of my face. The girl then punched me in the nose (mind you that's never happened to me). Before I had a chance to react, I was drug by my hair and shirt..tits out and with my face to the ground (as if I had a weapon) down stairs and out the club. At the door, the cop put me in a headlock with his gun in my ribs and was yelling "You don't fight a cop" as if I could even think of doing that. He then slammed me against the wall, where all three cops working the club came up on me and started asking me how I got into the "altercation." I was hysterical and choking on my gum. Parts of my hair were just coming out. My friends were screaming for them to let me go the whole time. Any female that's been roughed up by a man for the first time could understand how I felt for some time. Apparently, the only other white girl in the club spilled her drink on the girl and the girl and her boyfriend got into it with her. The cops asked them to go outside and then led her back in to find the girl. Why you would bring someone who's ready to fight back in, I'll never understand. BTW..they led her out by the arm after she punched me and let her go. I heard later she used to fuck one of the cops. Go figure.
I went downtown the next day and filed a complaint with Internal Affairs. They took pictures of me and all my bruises. My ribs were bruised from the cop's gun. I had fingerprint bruises on my arms, my chest was deeply bruised, and of course my eyes black. The cop that investigated the complaint was their fellow officer from the same precinct, so you can guess what happened. Not a damn thing. I was young and scared. I wanted to ask my dad for help with a lawyer or something, but knew if he found out, the cop would literally be dead and my dad in jail.
I had been taunted and disrespected my entire life for where I chose to go and for the friends I chose to love, but I've never been so shit on in my life. I still don't feel quite safe most of the time. It's almost like being in a foreign country and fearing that something might occur and you can't trust even the law to protect you. Anyway, enough of my sob story.
If you think you couldn't be arrested because you never do anything wrong, read this story.
To whom it may concern,
My name is Wendy. I met Mike when he came to work at the same Company I worked at back in August of 2003. His step-father, Larry, worked for us. Mike had just been released from prison in Florida and Larry picked him up and brought him to Indiana for an instant job along with the promise of reuniting Mike with his son. Mike was a very likeable guy as well as a hard worker. We became friends and I slowly, over time, learned about his life. From the very beginning, even after hearing all of the details of his arrest that landed him 3 years in prison, I kept saying that something didn’t add up. I told him he needed to look into his court records and transcripts.
Seven months after I met Mike, we started dating. Now, three years later, we are still together. We have two year old twin girls and a one year old boy. Mike is a wonderful daddy. He loves his children very much and it is reflected in their love for him.
This past year has been particularly hard on Mike. First his step-father passed away in October, 2005 while they were on non-speaking terms. Mike still has not come to terms with that. Then this past summer, July 3, 2006, our first grandchild passed away at a very short lived 3 months. Her death rocked Mike’s world. I would have had to be blind to not see the depression he reeled into. Mike had taken the father, my son, from the house only 45 minutes before our granddaughter died to help him with our work truck that had broken down in Brownsburg. Mike carries a great deal of guilt over her death. Anyway, he began drinking the day we buried her. Now I’m not saying Mike never had a drink of alcohol before her death, he had. It’s just that he began drinking on a daily basis afterwards. Nothing I could say changed the way he felt. I knew he needed help, but the more I pushed, the further he pulled away from me. I began praying for God to help him with the burden he was carrying and stopped being the nagging wife.
When Mike was arrested, I got the call around 5 AM. I thought is this the answer to my prayer? I always try my hardest to find the silver lining in every cloud. He told me what happened, from running to lying down as he told the officer he was done to getting handcuffed to having the dog sicked on him after he was handcuffed to then getting zapped twice in the back of the head until he was foaming from the mouth. He told me that when he asked the arresting officer what he was being charged with since he blew under the legal limit, the officer told him he could charge him with murder if he wanted to. He said it was up to the state to pick up the charges. Mike was very worried, almost crying when he said I think they are going to charge me with battery on law enforcement. I asked him if he had hit the dog or the officer or if he had struggled at all while being handcuffed. He said no, but he overheard the arresting officer tell the officer that transported him that he had accidentally zapped himself. He told me that he was transported to the jail by the other officer who had said that he was not Mike’s enemy or his friend he was just there to ensure that nothing else happened to Mike on the way to the jail. When I went to the tele-court hearing I couldn’t believe they let him go. I kind of thought maybe the state didn’t want it getting out that the sheriff had exceeded in necessary roughness. When Mike was released we were all surprised that the jail had taken the time to wash his clothes. He wasn’t even in Hamilton County Jail for 24 hours and they washed his clothes? That was really weird. Another officer had even taken pictures of all of the marks on Mikes back. The officer had also punched him, kneed him in the back & hit him with the club they carry. Mike was in so much pain I had to take him to the hospital to make sure he didn’t have broken ribs. Luckily he did not, just a lot of bruising. I was shocked that it was legal to stun someone in the back of the head once let alone twice. That’s the location where your brain tells your heart to beat, and your lungs to breathe. I believe the officer is lucky Mike didn’t die.
For a brief moment Mike was relieved thinking his life had been given back to him short of a miracle. Crazily enough I was the next person in our family to get arrested. Handcuffed in front of my 5 little kids and put in a police car because I unplugged my home phone on my 20 year old daughter who was talking to her boyfriend that was residing in Hamilton County Jail at the time threw a fit and ran to the neighbor’s house and called 911. The officer arrested me for interference with a 911 call. I talked my way out of the car but was informed that I had been officially arrested and charged and would have to appear in court. The following Monday we got a call from the Westfield Police Department saying I had lost my license in the Wal-Mart parking lot and I needed to come pick it up in 10 minutes. I can’t tell you how scared I was driving up there. I thought for sure they had decided to take me into the jail. When I arrived the officer was waiting for me outside. Before he handed me my license he said, “I need you to do me a favor.” I nervously said, “Ok.” He said, “I need you to go home and tell your husband not all of us are bad.” I was very confused by his statement and I said, “What?” he repeated, “It is very important that you let your husband know not all of us are bad.” I was very shaken by his statement but I said I would and I left shaking. I must admit I feel a panic attack coming on every time I see a cop car on the road. If that officer wanted so badly for us to know not all of them were bad, how many of them are good? It’s a very scary thought to me. Anyway, long story short, it turns out that my arresting officer apparently didn’t quite understand the law. There must be a crime in the commission for that particular charge so all charges were dropped. I find it ironic that every lawyer I talked to and explained the story wanted $1500 to represent me and they all told me I should probably accept a plea for a few days in jail as well as a year on probation. I kept saying you’ve got to be kidding me. I filed on my own behalf for a speedy jury trial and received a court appointed attorney. It’s funny how quickly something gets resolved when your lawyer knows he isn’t going to make any money on you! One phone call to the prosecuting attorneys office and my case was dismissed!
The point to my story is I understand why Mike ran. I know that immediate feeling that surges over you. Intuition screams in your head to run. Maybe not for everyone, but since being with Mike I have witnessed several injustices served by different police departments. In Florida when Mike was pulled over and blew a .02, that’s right, a .02, the arresting officers at the jail discovered he had been charged with battery on Law Enforcement in 2001. They stood in front of the holding cell 10 fold and called him out. These police officers were literally asking him if he wanted to fight them. They then apparently thought it would be funny to falsely charge him with a 4th or more DUI, which by the way is an unbondable offense. I hired a lawyer and went to the courthouse myself to pull all of Mike’s book in sheets and found that another set of officers, the ones involved in his DUI arrest had changed a few things. They had changed an original charge of Trespassing with no weapon, no violence that he was on probation for to Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling with a Hand Gun. I was stunned. I wanted to get the transcripts from his hearing to see if this was the reason Mike spent 3 years in prison, but the court recording company wanted a $500 deposit to just pull the file. I put it on the back burner hoping to save the money to pursue that at a later date. This year we found out that the handgun charge is on his permanent record. He had been told by his first appointed attorney he was looking at time served and probation. I believe he was incarcerated close to 5 months when he went for his hearing. His appointed attorney had been moved to the prosecuting office and had been replaced by someone else who by all rights didn’t know a thing about his case other than the paperwork that was in front of her, like the false allegation of the hand gun charge. She advised him that this was a good deal. If he tried the case they wanted to get him on battery of 5 officers. He took the plea and spent 3 years in prison and was taxed with over $3000 in court fines and he also has the batteries on his permanent record. He was also given several tickets for traffic violations and those were all taxed for not appearing in court while he was locked in their jail! Ironic don’t you think.
While in prison, the mother of his only child at the time decided that Mike was not father worthy and she decided he would have no contact with his son. She then had an affair with Mike’s Step Father who agreed to keep Mike’s son from him until they decided Mike had grown up. Now Mike didn’t find out about the affair until after he was out of prison someone they both knew spilled the beans, which explains why Mike and his Step Father were not on speaking terms when he died. Mike still has been allowed no contact with his first born. Doesn’t even know where they live.
Mike is a good guy. His heart has been scarred in ways that only parents that have the burden of losing a child could fathom. He was once a 3 time state champion in wrestling. He had sponsors at gyms that wanted him to become a professional boxer. I don’t say this to brag on his behalf, I am not easily impressed by those with great fighting abilities, but to the officer that stated he had to stun Mike with a stun gun twice because he was trying to grab his balls, I call him a bold faced liar. Mike did not resist after he initially ran, he was in the process of laying down saying he was done when he was handcuffed, and he had already told the officer he gave up. This man has a problem and I think it would be wise for you to check into his background and perhaps give him a personality test. He most definitely has some issues. Mike would never attempt to grab a mans balls, the comment itself is asinine. It draws me back to the officer wanting to make sure Mike knew that not all police were bad. Mike has certainly had his share of bad ones.
Last but not least, Mike is the daddy of two little two year old girls and a one year old boy. The boy by the way Mike delivered himself at home. I watched him give our baby his first breath. He tied the umbilical cord and helped me deliver my placenta all before the paramedics arrived. How many people can say they delivered their own baby? Anyway, he is a great guy, a wonderful daddy and an awesome partner. He is a hard worker. He is goal oriented and he has dreams. Ironically, because the real Mike is a health freak, I find it funny that everyone wants to send him to substance abuse counseling. I, myself, believe he needs counseling. He needs help with resolving many issues such as the loss of contact with his first born, the loss of his step-father while he was still angry at him. The loss of 3 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. And the loss of a grandchild that he carries guilt over. I really believe if he could work through these things he would be back to the Mike that drinks protein shakes and works out daily rather than the Mike that hates the world and all of its injustices and picks up a beer instead of his weights. I hate to think of even a week without Mikes help at home. We have 3 babies together and then I have two other kids from a previous marriage that are with us every other week. I rely on Mike’s help on a daily basis. We are a family, we need each other. I pray that for once in Mike’s life while dealing with our legal system, he is finally given some justice.
To those who think they are beyond being arrested, handcuffed and or tasered read the following letter sent to a Hamilton County Judge in Indiana. My name is Wendy . I met Mike when he came to work at the same place I was working at back in August of 2003. His step-father, Larry, worked for us. Mike had just been released from prison in Florida and Larry picked him up and brought him to Indiana for an instant job along with the promise of reuniting Mike with his son. Mike was a very likeable guy as well as a hard worker. We became friends and I slowly, over time, learned about his life. From the very beginning, even after hearing all of the details of his arrest that landed him 3 years in prison, I kept saying that something didn’t add up. I told him he needed to look into his court records and transcripts.
Seven months after I met Mike, we started dating. Now, three years later, we are still together. We have two year old twin girls and a one year old boy. Mike is a wonderful daddy. He loves his children very much and it is reflected in their love for him.
This past year has been particularly hard on Mike. First his step-father passed away in October, 2005 while they were on non-speaking terms. Mike still has not come to terms with that. Then this past summer, July 3, 2006, our first grandchild passed away at a very short lived 3 months. Her death rocked Mike’s world. I would have had to be blind to not see the depression he reeled into. Mike had taken the father, my son, from the house only 45 minutes before our granddaughter died to help him with our work truck that had broken down in Brownsburg. Mike carries a great deal of guilt over her death. Anyway, he began drinking the day we buried her. Now I’m not saying Mike never had a drink of alcohol before her death, he had. It’s just that he began drinking on a daily basis afterwards. Nothing I could say changed the way he felt. I knew he needed help, but the more I pushed, the further he pulled away from me. I began praying for God to help him with the burden he was carrying and stopped being the nagging wife.
When Mike was arrested, I got the call around 5 AM. I thought is this the answer to my prayer? I always try my hardest to find the silver lining in every cloud. He told me what happened, from running to lying down as he told the officer he was done to getting handcuffed to having the dog sicked on him after he was handcuffed to then getting zapped twice in the back of the head until he was foaming from the mouth. He told me that when he asked the arresting officer what he was being charged with since he blew under the legal limit, the officer told him he could charge him with murder if he wanted to. He said it was up to the state to pick up the charges. Mike was very worried, almost crying when he said I think they are going to charge me with battery on law enforcement. I asked him if he had hit the dog or the officer or if he had struggled at all while being handcuffed. He said no, but he overheard the arresting officer tell the officer that transported him that he had accidentally zapped himself. He told me that he was transported to the jail by the other officer who had said that he was not Mike’s enemy or his friend he was just there to ensure that nothing else happened to Mike on the way to the jail. When I went to the tele-court hearing I couldn’t believe they let him go. I kind of thought maybe the state didn’t want it getting out that the sheriff had exceeded in necessary roughness. When Mike was released we were all surprised that the jail had taken the time to wash his clothes. He wasn’t even in Hamilton County Jail for 24 hours and they washed his clothes? That was really weird. Another officer had even taken pictures of all of the marks on Mikes back. The officer had also punched him, kneed him in the back & hit him with the club they carry. Mike was in so much pain I had to take him to the hospital to make sure he didn’t have broken ribs. Luckily he did not, just a lot of bruising. I was shocked that it was legal to stun someone in the back of the head once let alone twice. That’s the location where your brain tells your heart to beat, and your lungs to breathe. I believe the officer is lucky Mike didn’t die.
For a brief moment Mike was relieved thinking his life had been given back to him short of a miracle. Crazily enough I was the next person in our family to get arrested. Handcuffed in front of my 5 little kids and put in a police car because I unplugged my home phone on my 20 year old daughter who was talking to her boyfriend that was residing in Hamilton County Jail at the time threw a fit and ran to the neighbor’s house and called 911. The officer arrested me for interference with a 911 call. I talked my way out of the car but was informed that I had been officially arrested and charged and would have to appear in court. The following Monday we got a call from the Westfield Police Department saying I had lost my license in the Wal-Mart parking lot and I needed to come pick it up in 10 minutes. I can’t tell you how scared I was driving up there. I thought for sure they had decided to take me into the jail. When I arrived the officer was waiting for me outside. Before he handed me my license he said, “I need you to do me a favor.” I nervously said, “Ok.” He said, “I need you to go home and tell your husband not all of us are bad.” I was very confused by his statement and I said, “What?” he repeated, “It is very important that you let your husband know not all of us are bad.” I was very shaken by his statement but I said I would and I left shaking. I must admit I feel a panic attack coming on every time I see a cop car on the road. If that officer wanted so badly for us to know not all of them were bad, how many of them are good? It’s a very scary thought to me. Anyway, long story short, it turns out that my arresting officer apparently didn’t quite understand the law. There must be a crime in the commission for that particular charge so all charges were dropped. I find it ironic that every lawyer I talked to and explained the story wanted $1500 to represent me and they all told me I should probably accept a plea for a few days in jail as well as a year on probation. I kept saying you’ve got to be kidding me. I filed on my own behalf for a speedy jury trial and received a court appointed attorney. It’s funny how quickly something gets resolved when your lawyer knows he isn’t going to make any money on you! One phone call to the prosecuting attorneys office and my case was dismissed!
The point to my story is I understand why Mike ran. I know that immediate feeling that surges over you. Intuition screams in your head to run. Maybe not for everyone, but since being with Mike I have witnessed several injustices served by different police departments. In Florida when Mike was pulled over and blew a .02, that’s right, a .02, the arresting officers at the jail discovered he had been charged with battery on Law Enforcement in 2001. They stood in front of the holding cell 10 fold and called him out. These police officers were literally asking him if he wanted to fight them. They then apparently thought it would be funny to falsely charge him with a 4th or more DUI, which by the way is an unbondable offense. I hired a lawyer and went to the courthouse myself to pull all of Mike’s book in sheets and found that another set of officers, the ones involved in his DUI arrest had changed a few things. They had changed an original charge of Trespassing with no weapon, no violence that he was on probation for to Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling with a Hand Gun. I was stunned. I wanted to get the transcripts from his hearing to see if this was the reason Mike spent 3 years in prison, but the court recording company wanted a $500 deposit to just pull the file. I put it on the back burner hoping to save the money to pursue that at a later date. This year we found out that the handgun charge is on his permanent record. He had been told by his first appointed attorney he was looking at time served and probation. I believe he was incarcerated close to 5 months when he went for his hearing. His appointed attorney had been moved to the prosecuting office and had been replaced by someone else who by all rights didn’t know a thing about his case other than the paperwork that was in front of her, like the false allegation of the hand gun charge. She advised him that this was a good deal. If he tried the case they wanted to get him on battery of 5 officers. He took the plea and spent 3 years in prison and was taxed with over $3000 in court fines and he also has the batteries on his permanent record. He was also given several tickets for traffic violations and those were all taxed for not appearing in court while he was locked in their jail! Ironic don’t you think.
While in prison, the mother of his only child at the time decided that Mike was not father worthy and she decided he would have no contact with his son. She then had an affair with Mike’s Step Father who agreed to keep Mike’s son from him until they decided Mike had grown up. Now Mike didn’t find out about the affair until after he was out of prison someone they both knew spilled the beans, which explains why Mike and his Step Father were not on speaking terms when he died. Mike still has been allowed no contact with his first born. Doesn’t even know where they live.
Mike is a good guy. His heart has been scarred in ways that only parents that have the burden of losing a child could fathom. He was once a 3 time state champion in wrestling. He had sponsors at gyms that wanted him to become a professional boxer. I don’t say this to brag on his behalf, I am not easily impressed by those with great fighting abilities, but to the officer that stated he had to stun Mike with a stun gun twice because he was trying to grab his balls, I call him a bold faced liar. Mike did not resist after he initially ran, he was in the process of laying down saying he was done when he was handcuffed, and he had already told the officer he gave up. This man has a problem and I think it would be wise for you to check into his background and perhaps give him a personality test. He most definitely has some issues. Mike would never attempt to grab a mans balls, the comment itself is asinine. It draws me back to the officer wanting to make sure Mike knew that not all police were bad. Mike has certainly had his share of bad ones.
Last but not least, Mike is the daddy of two little two year old girls and a one year old boy. The boy by the way Mike delivered himself at home. I watched him give our baby his first breath. He tied the umbilical cord and helped me deliver my placenta all before the paramedics arrived. How many people can say they delivered their own baby? Anyway, he is a great guy, a wonderful daddy and an awesome partner. He is a hard worker. He is goal oriented and he has dreams. Ironically, because the real Mike is a health freak, I find it funny that everyone wants to send him to substance abuse counseling. I, myself, believe he needs counseling. He needs help with resolving many issues such as the loss of contact with his first born, the loss of his step-father while he was still angry at him. The loss of 3 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. And the loss of a grandchild that he carries guilt over. I really believe if he could work through these things he would be back to the Mike that drinks protein shakes and works out daily rather than the Mike that hates the world and all of its injustices and picks up a beer instead of his weights. I hate to think of even a week without Mikes help at home. We have 3 babies together and then I have two other kids from a previous marriage that are with us every other week. I rely on Mike’s help on a daily basis. We are a family, we need each other. I pray that for once in Mike’s life while dealing with our legal system, he is finally given some justice.
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