Friday, August 08, 2008

The Joys Of Summer...

...For me this year obviously don't include blogging.

I spent the last week upta my ma's in Erie, Pennsylvania at a cottage on Lake Erie with a good portion of my family and extended family, and remembered what this here life is supposed to be.

It's supposed to be sitting the fuck on a beach with your family and chilling the fuck out. That's what it is supposed to be. Not all this other shit. I'm serious. I don't care what they told you in school. I don't care what your father who broke his back to make sure that you had a semblance of a life, told you. I don't care what anybody says. Life truly is supposed to be about sitting on a beach with your family. Also beer.

I'll leave room for bits of work, cuz even on the beach you have to work to survive. But that's it. The endless grind is beginning to drive me nuts. I realized that on my third day with no internet or cell phone service. I found myself checking the screen on my phone, even though I knew there was no way there would be anything there.

And I don't even have a bad job. In fact I love my job. I just don't like not being on a beach with my family.

Barton Springs works too.

That being said, artistises, get on your grizzlie and get your applications in for SXSW 2009. Don't make me chase you down round about February. And definitely don't call me asking for a slot in February. Time is now.

I've already got some incredible stuff in the works.

Anyway, so tonight I head out to Concan, TX to do a lil tubing on a river and camping in a forest (Life is also about rivers and forests too). Then Sunday I'm en route to Houston for the Ozone Awards!

If you happened to read my lil review of the Ozone Awards last year, please tune in again this year to see if my bad attitude hath changed. I'm not gonna immerse myself in three days of industry shit, but I'ma be up in the house for the event itself. Which looks to be quite over the top.

Then directly after that I'm headed off to Amsterdam for the Lowlands Festival. So if yer reading me in any of those places, holler at me. Except in Concan, don't bother me and my river.

THEN AFTER AMSTERDAM! I head back to Houston for this magnanimous event!!!!


Then two nights later see the same line up in Austin at The Parish!



Anyway, also, See Devin the Dude live at the South Street Seaport in NYC on Sept. 6th for the East Village Radio 5 Year Anniversary Festival. Hosted by KRS One!

AugustSoReal it's Surreal.


Blogger MissOMyGoodnezz said...

I actually attended the "industry shit" part of it and not the actual awards show. Let me know how it turned out and I'll return the favor lol..the actual panels weren't that bad actually. got some pics up on my myspace.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, did you happen to rock an alkohiliks shirt when you floated in Concan?

11:45 PM  
Blogger The Curateur said...

You're onto something buddy...I actually gave up the city life for a bit to do just that. Sit on a beach on the Cape and hang with family. Still working, but have realized there's a way to do both...hope the beach days are continuing and your family is all good after the shitstorm that pushed through Houston.

2:21 AM  
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4:30 PM  
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4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

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