Yeah so I suppose I'll put the Houston stuff on HoustonSoReal and the Austin stuff on AustinSurreal, and I'll decide how to distribute the outta town stuff properly, democraticaly, meaning - equally, properly, the way they should be distributed, cuz this is America. I don't know.
Not sure when I'll be outside America again, but I did get outside of Austin this week, back to Houston, to check on the house and to check out Pharoahe Monch, live in concert with Orgonne and DJ 11. Presented for free by Scion. Lordy they've given us some nights.
I rode into town Wednesday night, crossing 1960 round about 10:30 p.m. and I realized what it is that I miss about Houston most. I miss being able to drive 80 miles per hour in a 60, with virtual immunity. I mean, shit, Houston is a freakin' speedway. It's NASCAR in comparison to Austin. I love Austin, don't get me wrong, but coming from Houston and trying to drive properly in Austin could put a man such as myself right over the edge.
In this Traffic Police State, you can't blame the people for taking it easy and slowing their roll (except when passing the death trap that is the on ramps of inner city I-35. They like to fly past those like Ice Bats Outta Hell), but I'll be damned if I wasn't tickled fuckin' pink, as I spied the first "GOD IS WATCHING YOU HEATHEN BASTARDS" billboard just inside the city limits (there's a lot of these in Houston), and then I look down at my speedometer and realize that man, I was going 80. People were whizzing past me. It was raining. I was in Houston.
Here in Austin, you can't go 80. People go 60 in 65's , they come to an almost complete stop before turning into a parking lot off a feeder road, and they sit at greenlights as if that light is gonna do something besides turn right the fuck back to red.
But you can't blame them. 5-0 is everywhere in this town. It's a pretty mellow place so I guess they have a lot of extra time to pull people over. I don't know man, I drive like a Grandpa here too, cuz everywhere I go I see somebody outside their car, shivering in the red and blue lights.
But Austin is pretty alright otherwise.
It was great however to get back to my city.

To get back to my Kroger.

To get back to my barber, Leonard Morgan, you might have seen him up in the GQ book.
And as always, it was fantastic to get back to Warehouse Live (BUN B FEB. 8TH???)

Pharoahe Monch is literally one of my favorite rappers. He's at the very least top 5, and he's pretty much Top 3. Bun B (UGK), Scarface (Geto Boys) and Pharoahe Monch (Organized Konfusion). That's who I really like to listen to.

Crowd was thick.

And Monch was dope, but his set was extremely short. Like way too short. Like I can't front, dudes set was ridiculously short for such a situation. Dude had Orgonne backing him and two of his own singers with him, and what he did give, he killed. He's an amazing lyricist who can bring it on stage. But I mean, it was really short.

In fairness he did say that the bulk of the folks on his bus got some sort of bug and his throat was hurting him. Pretty much everyone I know right now has some kind of shit, so I don't doubt him. Hoping Austin show tomorrow includes a couple Organized Konfusion classics.

Bubba proposed to Kam during "Desire." They getting married, real talk.

This dude shoulda pushed Monch to do "Releasing Hypnotical Gasses." Also "Agent Orange." In this day and time, where the hell was "Agent Orange?"
"The Extinction Agenda." Actually, where the hell was Prince Po? I know, I already know. But I'm an Organized Konfusion super fan and that's a break up I've never truly ever been able to accept. I also can't accept the death of Pimp C. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED PEOPLE? We know more about Heath Ledger in two days than we know about what happened to Pimp. What the fuck happened? Who's hiding what? What happened.
Sorry, I just still can't really accept it. Can't really accept most of the rapper deaths. Why can't WE ever get any answers?

Stacy, Kiara, Bubba and Heather B. Boy was already prowling ten minutes after he got engaged. Real talk.

S.I. Click!


After the show DJ 11 from The Rub held down the after party at THE FLAT. Dude killed it as well. I think, I was high out of my mind by that point.

But I'm pretty sure he did.

I think I was standing in front of the turntables raving it up when this was taken. I don't know. Don't fear the reaper.
But yeah man, I'm bi-city now. Rolling back and forth as usual. Nothings changed. For example, I’m sitting here, writing a blog, and thinking about how so much of the music business is just about faking people out. It's a hard realization to come to. I've ruined yet another night.
(P.S. Big ups to Nancy Byron. She brought me back the latest Sidewinder 7 CD + 1 DVD set from London. All this new Grime. I almost forgot about Grime. Then these 8 hours plus of dudes chatting over riddims from some of the top DJ's got me back listening. Also a long chat with Nick Cage (not the actor, the realest), about grime. It's still there, it didn't die. Dizzee Rascal, Newham Generals, Jammer all reppin' at SXSW in March, don't miss that shit. Also Akala and Killa Kela, for the deep um, heads who know things. Also Lars Vaular and Marcelo D2, and Tumi. Do your research (Googling), international hip-hop gonna be silly at SXSW this year. Also Mala Rodriguez. Bolz betta know! Also, is Pretty Todd remixing "Pussyole" and is it going to be on the domestic release of Math's & English via Def Jux? Did El-P remix "Where's the G's?" Can someone please tell me who's knockin', knockin' doors down?)