And it was a good one. Save for the monsoons at the beach and in the streets, and the fact that after a weeks long hiatus from watching the news (except small bits and pieces of CNN and BBC in Europe during down moments) I caught a few seconds of a newscast that said - as they say so often - "IT WAS ONE OF THE BLOODIEST DAYS IN IRAQ SINCE THE START OF THE WAR." Happy Memorial Day. I had to turn my TV off and go outside in the rain, for I just can't take it anymore.

I'm so sick of your war, and all the talk about it. Do the Right Thing.
The above photo was shot in the parking lot of Bucee's, a convenience store just 4 miles from the coast at Surfside. Note the chemical plant in the background. My boy was fired from there one day for filling up a train with the wrong chemical and almost blowing us all into oblivion.
I wonder how often that actually happens.
Anyway it was a great weekend. You'll see below that on Saturday we went to the beach with our adopted family - The Deans - and then Sunday the wife and I went to see my favorite band of all time, Melt Banana, but I didn't bring my camera. Then Monday night, Memorial Day night, I went to a show that couldn't have fit the day more perfectly. The dark, dank, dirty, stormy, apocalyptic Memorial Day (it was, I'm not exaggerating, looked like the end was nigh here in this Houston town).

Seen here pre-show with the one them call, Bun B.

And here.

And here.
Ten years ago it would have seemed as though two such paths would never cross. But these are both visionary artists with genuine respect for each others craft. El-P showed Bun a few videos on his laptop, shit was pretty insane.

As was El-P's show. I always cut for dude on the strength of his originality and fervent drive. I wasn't a fan of Company Flow, they came out in the days when I was sitting there just sick of New York and their mouths. I got over that a little later and started recognizing that dude has some fire in him.

The show was off the chain. Mr. Dibbs on the turntables is always a welcome addition to any show and El-P is no slouch on the stage. He reminded me of an amped up David Bowie. I mean, it's not the best comparison, and maybe the simplest, but as I stood there stoned (Thanks Buddha!) watching El-P's silhouette in the blue light as he gripped the mic like Trent Reznor and rapped like a man possessed by staccatto revolution, I couldn't help but think that this dude is a product of all that was great about New York in the 80's. Hip-Hop and totally fucked up New/No Wave. He's got it in him.

Anyway heres Mr. Dibbs on said turntables, literally on them.
Halfway through the show things got a little crazy. It seems that El-P's videographer has let his hair grow throughout the entire 40 city tour, and promised to shave his head on this particular date. Bun B was recruited to do the shaving.

As evidenced here.

Bun's first haircut!

It went down.


Yeah well it's not the best haircut, but it was a good 4 minutes of entertainment I'll tell you that right now.

The Niyat in the building with Domo! (Lief and Snap!) made it out with them boys from
All In Your Head
It went down.
And for the family, here's some photos from the beach. Just before and after said Monsoon. Seriously, it's been raining out here like as if God might be mad at somebody. Who could it be? It's wild. Eva and I went for a walk to see how bad the bayou was overflowing yesterday and got caught in a huge downpour. The streets looked like shallow rivers, rushing.

Mommy and Elena

Sabrina and Willie

Roy documenting.


Elena at the shore.

Next to the Hermit Crabs. They are everywhere down there around San Luis Pass.

Elena and DJ Eva




OK and Wednesday night don't forget the free GZA show at Warehouse Live and the DJ Klever After Party at the GRAB Bar. It is indeed going down tomorrow night. Hit up to RSVP NOW! Get in free. These Scion parties have been off the chain. Come early and get you a free DJ bag.

Now playing in my iTunes - Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay. Beautiful. Next up new music from Perseph One.