200Devin is Upon Us
So I have been pretty lax with the updates thru all these holidays but rest assured I'm going to have something for your New Years Day Hang Over. New Years Eve is the 2nd Anniversary of HoustonSoReal aqnd I plan to spend all night on it again, like I did 2 years ago. I have some new music, photos and YouTubage I haven't posted up yet. Plus a full on holiday report from headquarters with stories of how I drank Genny Cream Ale, ate apple pie for breakfast and dchocolate peanut butter balls for lunch. I'm also going to tell you that my mother bought me boxer shorts with weed leafs all over them for Christmas and a DVD player I plan to set to region 2 so I can watch DVD's from other places on the TV not just the computer. Yeah man it's gonna be off the chain believe me. I got stories and such fo dat ass. And music. And videos.
And I am also going to outline my New Years resolutions which will be magnanimous undertakings but fuck it.
I'm also going to strive to be easier to work with. I think I just lost another job this week because I can't keep my mouth shut when editors start acting like Dilberts.
Why must everything have a formula? Why are these formulas created by the most boring of our society? Why are the most boring of our society in charge? In the nation that exists in my mind, drunks rule and stoners guard the roost.
I don't know.
Abacuses and slide rules for everyone.
And Genny Cream Ale. And Shiner Bock.
And Bukowski dvds. (why are there so many of these now that dude is dead?)
Go Vegan Texas.
And I am also going to outline my New Years resolutions which will be magnanimous undertakings but fuck it.
I'm also going to strive to be easier to work with. I think I just lost another job this week because I can't keep my mouth shut when editors start acting like Dilberts.
Why must everything have a formula? Why are these formulas created by the most boring of our society? Why are the most boring of our society in charge? In the nation that exists in my mind, drunks rule and stoners guard the roost.
I don't know.
Abacuses and slide rules for everyone.
And Genny Cream Ale. And Shiner Bock.
And Bukowski dvds. (why are there so many of these now that dude is dead?)
Go Vegan Texas.
I wish you a happy and good new year Matt!!...
2007 can only get better!!...let's grind!...
Coughee Brothaz & SPC worldwide in 07!!!
Happy New year, fool. Wish I could get Shiner Bock up here. One of my faves. Well, guess this is it. Last day of '06. Been an interesting year. Met some good people, moved to a different country, smoked some cheap good good, and ate some really good food. I couldnt ask for much more in 07, 'cept possibly my 1st child! Im not officially releasing that info, yet. I might leak it soon, after an ultrasound in a few days...Lets keep this BIG news on the hush. Dont want the papparazzi snappin pics everytime we walk outside to take the dog for a shit.
R I P to all those that left us this year, and in previous years. Have a real good one, Matt, and all the others that read this, too. Peace, and God bless.
Ur fucking awesome!!!
You are fucking awesome!!!
Thank You
You Rock
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紀人,必須不開桌消費、不賭博、不碰危禁品。 24小時輪班待命,酒店經紀人需要隨時處理各式突發狀況和臨場反映。 網路世代,起碼要有像樣的官方網站,並非只有台北市酒店有哪些免費的部落格與臉書。經紀公司能幫妳處理的事情包括: 挑選適合的店家類型(禮服店、制服店、便服店、鋼琴酒吧..等) 洽談適當的上班時段(一天工作幾小時?一個禮拜工作幾天?午場或晚場?) 上班時所需造型包裝(衣服?髮型?化妝?) 薪資需求及後續相關(薪資怎麼算?多少?多久領?怎麼領?如何調薪?) 上班後相關問題處理(排假?下檔?請病假?扣薪?) 其他突發狀況 (臨時休檔?無法參加開會?不習慣想換店?)重點是妳的經紀公司會不會幫妳爭取福利?!能否幫妳找到好的店家?!能不能解決問題?!酒店本是灰色地帶,來這裡討生活的人,都只有一個目標,就是解決經濟壓力或過更好的生活。16.這樣的經紀公司要注意!若有以下情況,是必須考慮換經紀人,因為已經不適任,千萬別委酒店規矩屈自己!和經紀人有不正常的財務牽扯。常找不到人,電話也不接 。只有領錢才出現,其他時間常搞失蹤。大小事情都自行處理,經紀人老是後知後覺,好像事不關己!節數錢有誤,常不清不楚,發薪日總比別人慢!不管男或女經紀人,常和自家姐妹搞曖昧,只會對特定人好,俗稱「老"X"經紀」!於姐妹上班時間,常在外飲酒作樂,不管姐妹工作狀況。好賭成性、負債累累!或開口向姐妹借調錢,這都是「跑路」的前兆!只會當店家的傳聲筒,只替店家講話,不會幫姐妹爭取福利!不會幫姐妹做規劃分析,只會亂帶不適合的店家,把姐妹當犧牲品!太多元化的經營(如放款、土地仲介等非經紀本業),不僅無法專注公關,且會容易衍生許多複雜的是非。經紀公司和特定店家簽約,只帶妳去特定店家,這樣只會局限妳的發展空間。17.酒店經紀公司和酒店公關的面試流程可在官網或部落格留言。加入通訊或社群軟體。透過文字線上詳談。通話溝通。約在公共酒店求職場所(如麥當勞) 。碰面對談細節(要求對方提出負面因素,如會扣錢的事項有哪些?而不是只講八大的美好!)討論自己的權益。(如薪資計算、領薪日..等)18.應徵前的條件準備(身高、體重、外表、酒量、基本應對等)一定要年滿18歲,對於要求應徵者必須成年,也代表業者會遵守各項法規。高矮不是問題,主要是身材比例不過胖。以禮、便服店的標準來說,中、高標準為身高減115~120,如身高165公分,【高標準】體重為45公斤。八大畢竟不是選美比賽,且客人對於環肥燕瘦各有所愛,但想辦法讓自己更好,才是增加節數最有效的方式。妳選擇店家的同時,店家也在選擇妳。看店、看環境時,不用濃妝豔抹、盛裝打扮。輕便大方即可,透過服裝來表現自己的優點與禮貌,是否要回場加班或直接返家休息。△當日領(隔喝太多酒的應對方式?!】客人找妳喝點小酒,無非是想透過這方式,打開話夾子來多認識妳,因此酒量好壞不是重點,那只是催化劑 !妳反而可以主動大
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