Before I get into all the madness, I need to let everyone know something of dire importance. Many of you in the Texas hip hop community know my man Picnic Tyme from the group PPT. He's produced music for Devin and the Coughee Brothaz as well as many good folks from Dallas.

Seen here in the middle between Pikahsso and Tahiti.
Anyway, last week Picnic lost everything he owns in a fire. If you can help (YES CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT REPS I AM TALKING TO YOU!) Holler at me cuz he needs help and is a great dude. He lost all his clothes. Step up to the plate and gimme a call. I'll give you his sizes. HELP!
It’s been a weird day for Texas hip-hop. First I get a call this morning from Bun B and his manager on 3-way asking me if I know who does the site “HHNLive.” I honestly wasn’t sure but then when I looked at it I remembered it was my dude Adam from Toronto’s site. Today they published an interview, supposedly with Bun B in which Bun says things like “Fuck BET.” From what sources have told me, there was a campaign linked to Bun’s MySpace page that said the same thing, complete with graphics and the title to UGK’s latest leaked song “Quit Hatin’ The South.”
The writer claims to have interviewed Bun B at the popular north side strip club Harlem Nights this past Saturday. Said interviewer also says he has audio of the interview.
Now I have been a writer for many years and have many tapes of many rappers speaking into my tape recorder. When there’s background noise, it gets really hard to transcribe. At Harlem Nights, there’s more than background noise. It’s total fucking chaos. The music is obscenely loud and distorted, people jump on the mic, asses clap, bracelets clang, anklets shudder, pussies pop, that sort of thing. So I honestly don’t think dude got much from an interview at a club like that, on a Saturday night.
Bun says he was not at Harlem Night’s on Saturday.
Also, after reading the interview I have to stand by my dude and say that the shit being said throughout does not sound like Bun B’s words. Take that from a man who talks to Bun every other day on the phone about a variety of topics from politics to music to marijuana strains. I’ve interviewed Bun B at least 20 times. I know that dude would not say “Fuck BET” ever, let alone a month before his CD comes out. In fact, he’s even stopped me from saying things like “Fuck BET, MTV, Viacom, etc.” And has explained why doing such a thing would be straight hating and get me nowhere. Still at times, I say it, and look at me now. I’m a blogger. Not an international super star. Dude has a point.
That being said, Pimp C said the same words, unequivocally on the classic track “Top Notch Hoes” from Dirty Money. Which of course originally was on Trill Azz Mixes as well. The verse also appeared on a song Pimp did with Patchwerk artist Mean Green entitled “Deep in the Game.” Thanks to my cousin PUSHINBIGBODY in Dallas for helping refresh my memory.
You can check the various links and see for yourself, but I have to wonder if there is a Bun B impersonator out there in these streets. Might sound funny, but shit man, Bun says he wasn’t at Harlem Nights, did not do the interview and the writer says he has audio. Will this audio surface? If so, what will it tell us? It needs to surface, like now. I keep every tape for just this reason.
NO RAPPER CAN EVER COME TO ME AND SAY I MISQUOTED HIM/HER. Ever. Cuz I have the tapes and that’s final. So dude, come with the tape if you got it. I’ma stand by Bun on this one.
Note this part: * stands by its writers and believes there was an interview conducted by Freezefiya with Bun B. The interview portion of Freezefiya's article has since been removed as a courtesy to Bun B and UGK *
I've also been told that there have been multiple messages sent from Bun B's MySpace account saying "Fuck BET." I am also a "friend" of Bun B on MySpace and the person who maintains my MySpace and checks the messages for me said he/she never saw this. I don't know. I try not to look at MySpace. I'm 34 freakin' years old and only use that shit for promotions.
(A rapper recently told me that he "Be 'workin'' on that MySpace every day! It's work." Yeah. MySpace is work now. If so, send me a check. I can't stand that shit. I understand it's purpose but really it's just another way to make people think they are blwoing up when in reality only 5 people on the internet really know who they are. Like blogs. Anyway.
On a related note, the non-profit division of Sonzala Information Systems, Inc. is now closed for good. You want a phone number, a confirmation, or anything from me you’re gonna have to hit me on the PayPal first. There’s about five people in this industry who I’m down for anymore and honestly, you probably aren’t one of them.
Another funny thing is this weekend I have been working on a post entitled “An Open Letter to Jive Records.” In which I was gonna blast these fools at Jive for once again not doing shit for UGK at all. No video, no single working, no nothing but a couple ads and a few leaks. The shit is supposed to come out in three weeks, get on the stick you haters.
I may still finish the post. I don’t know.
In much worse and more serious news, my man Twisted Black from Fort Worth has been sentenced to life in prison for “Conspiracy” to sell crack I guess.
Listen I don’t know all the details, but I’ma say it just like this…
People do not deserve to get life in prison for anything less than Rape or Murder. I don’t give a fuck how much crack a man might have sold, he don’t need to go away for life, maybe he needs help.

That being said I heard it’s his 4th felony conviction – however it was his first Drug Charge. The others were for things like changing VIN numbers on cars, (thanks again Push) sooooo…. It’s hard to really judge here. I know that when I got a speeding ticket last year, I stopped speeding. Cuz I don’t need that shit. I wish some of these fools in the game could figure out how to stay out of prison. Especially a guy like Twisted Black, he’s seriously one of the most talented dudes in Texas rap ever. Real lyrics, dope flow, heartfelt songs, etc. I would never yell to Free a Murderer, but I’ma have to say FREE TWISTED BLACK cuz putting someone in a cage for a drug offense is just Naziesque in my book. Mother Fuckers.