Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Important Show Tonight in Houston

That's right it's goin' down tonight at Warehouse Live. Come see two of the artists I named as "next to blow out of Houston" in that last Source piece - V-Zilla and Rob G along with my man Bavu Blakes, DJ Ebonix and more. Shit man, this is gonna be an insane show/party tonight. Shame I'ma have to leave for Damage COntrol. But besta believe if these folsk make it to the station after the show, we gone have one hell of a freestyle session. We are already gearing up for it. Come thru tonight and have a drink (early though cuz I gotta be at KPFT at 12 am).

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Events Coming Up In Yo Mouth

Man I've had the flu for the past couple days. I'm talking about chills and no thrills. Every time I'd leave the blankets I'd start freezing, teeth chattering and everything and man this shit sucks. Today I'm like on the ass end of it where I'm not sure if I'm still sick or just hung over from the cold medicine I was taking. I will tell you this, Alka Seltzer Cold Plus Nighttime formula will give you crazy dreams. I was in some weird graffiti maze in Denmark last night. Seriously. It was great. I don't usually have vivid dreams like that due to the amount of marijuana... well hold up. My daughters friends parents might be reading this.

Anyway, since Baltimore is the new Houston, as deemed so by multiple publications and blogs the world over (meaning it's HOT, damn HOT) you should go see what all the hype is about when DJ Tittsworth hits the decks tonight with Witnes at Proletariat. Dude is really off the chain and if you like that booty bass this is definitely the place.

Then Saturday my potnas Cosmo Baker and DJ Ayres of the Rub will be coming thru to spin fo' you along with JD (first DJ we ever had on Damage Control 4 years ago almost to the day say Happy Anniversary to us, thanks), DJ Mel, CeePlus, Cashless Clay. Shit's gonna be a lot of fun and crazy different for a night out in Houston. The venue, the sounds, all that. Just different and worth your timeage. I'll be in Austin this weekend so I'ma catch 'em Friday out there. Family first.

Get tickets for the Rub here -

Then on June 2nd, if you're real and you're down and you're with it represent it. The first official Benefit for the Family of Big Hawk. I'll post more details as I get them but it looks like the whole of Houston is going to come together to celebrate the life of Houston raps Big Brother and to also raise some money for the family he left behind.

Don't ask to be on the guest list you swarmy fuck-o's.

And if you happen to be in Austin this weekend, my man Paul Saucido of ME Television has an event that you might want to check out. Latin style up in Ruta Maya's. Should be a lot of fun.

Speaking of ME Television, I am programming their hip-hop show SMASH now and am helping them set up interviews and live shoots with rap artists. If you have a show in the Austin area and want to be on Smash either before the event to promote, or after the event with some interview/live footage type shit, hit me up. Also, I need videos. If you are a video promoter, a major label cat or some burgeoning young video director in the hood, please get your videos to me asap. Make sure they are clean. I don't care if they are kind of cheaply shot if they are independent and the music is good. Just make 'em clean. No ass claps and no cursing. Go to the website, and get the mailing info. C/O Matt Sonzala. That's free promo for you fools.

You have no idea how hard it is to squeeze videos out of some of these folks. And then when you do get 'em from the independent folks they are shot in a strip club and the hook is MOTHERFUCK YOU MOTHERFUCK YOU MOTHERFUCK YOOOOOOOOU. But I mean yeah, we still are playing "Tussle."

In fact here it is, the Tussle video. YouTubeTheRealest. Smash your television set to this. You don't need it anymore. Unless you wanna watch this documentary.

Actually here's the original version of the video. Use this as a gage. We play the new version on ME Television, the original um, didn't make the cut. Peep the white guy though....

And oh yeah, my radio station, GRILLS, on URGE is pretty fuckin' gangsta. Go 'head on and download your free two week subscription today.

Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm biting Cocaine Blunts with that You Tubage today

Man, I never fucked with You Tube too much till today. Now I'm all up on it. I never knew they had so much. Anyway here's some Houston gems and then some....

interview and live footage with devin the dude in seattle on some night vision shit or some shit (not quite sure who the new hype man is...)

Devin the Dude - Lacville 79 Video

Devin the Dude on Carson Daily

Lil FLip and Hawk Tribute to DJ Screw - Cry to this... (End of SU4C)

Hawk Drop for Hata Proof DVD

Hawk Performing Swang at Club Blue

Hawk freestyle from SU4C documentary. I'll never forget when I went to Soulja Slims funeral with my man and fellow writer Allen Gordon. He had just got a copy of SU4C and was asking me about Hawk like "Man that dude Hawk, I was falling asleep watching the video and then his freestyle came on and I had to keep rewinding it. Anyway here's part of it.

Hawk and Grit Boys Video - "Spend Somethin'"

Hawk - Haters Love It When You're Down from H-Town Underworld Soundtrack - Streetheat DVD

Lil O and Hawk - Back Back

Trae, Hawk, Fat Pat - Swang Video

ESG - Swang and Bang

UGK - Supposed to Bubble - Watching this classic video is kind of funny. Today, Bun B has slimmed down and Pimp C has fattened up. Peep it.

Greatest song ever - UGK - Wood Wheel. Two times for the conservative liberal...

Not Houston but very important for your education

As is this...


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Devin the Dude Live in Houston Last December at the Havana Show We Did



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Catching Up

So man, it's really been 10 days since I've posted here, great job. Since Hawk was killed I've been thinking way too hard about a lot of this shit and well, I've let a lot of things slide. But the action didn't stop. It just kind of slowed down and got real somber. At any rate, I've got a gang of photos for you, starting from before the passing of out man Hawk and ending with Rapid Ric in Chicago last week. I will dump some art car shit and some other shit in a day or so, along with tomorrows Damage Control. Tune in.

We begin with the launch of URGE today. MTV's new digital music service of sorts where you can learn about new music via my contributions to their hip-hop blog and my programming their dirty south hip-hop station. Today is day one. You can read my Dallas column (and reference some of the many photos down below if ya like) and also a little piece I wrote called "MySpace - It's Just Like Compton."

I'll be contributing regularly as will my peeps Jon Caramanica, Dave Stelfox and Kris Ex. Learn more by clicking link above. I know I'm anxious to see it.

Watch out now.

Elena is the queen of the road, awready.

DJ Eva watches the Simpsons as MC Elena drives the two of them to the beach without Mommy and Daddy.

Alright, man, I been meaning to put these photos from the Rammellzee art show a couple weeks back at the Aerosol Warfare Gallery in Rice Village. Dude produced some pretty incredible stuff while he was here in Houston. From what I know it's all available for sale. Maybe hit up Aerosol Warfare for details.

This little neon beauty greeted me at the door.

Caps One held it down most of the night.

Gonzo worked until past opening getting all the shit straight.

Elena in her Dead Kennedy's onesie courtesy of DJ Sae One.

The gallery is off the chain, this was back by one of the bars.

King Klassen


And you, yes you can own one of these Rammellzee masterpieces for just $2,000

Rammellzee refused to don his costume and does not want to be photographed, so his mystery will remain with you. I really never thought I'd ever meet that guy. But yes, he exists.

Then the next day, I got to introduce Tinariwen at the Houston International Festival. They are straight up my favorite band from Mali....

For what that's worth.

Then the next day, Monday, Hawk was killed. I got the news around 12:30 a.m. I was already in bed and Chill called to tell me. I woke up early the next morning and drove totally dazed to Dallas.

Where I, along with the good folks at T-Town Music and my man Jaro assembled about 100 Dallas artists for this huge Ozone feature that I probably shouldn't be telling you about yet but I mean shit, I got all these photos and well, I don't understand protocol. Enjoy.

Hundred Rapper March - walking from T-Town office to the photo shoot location.

What's weird is not even 14 hours after Hawk's passing, I end up on the corner of Hawkins and Elm in the Deep Ellum neighborhood in Dallas for this photo shoot. Seriously we were on Hawkins Street, I couldn't even believe it. Hawk RIP.

Money Waters

Lumba, Mr. Lucci, SEJ, Pimpsta

Jaro making it happen

DJ Princess Cut

Corey of Clout Records, formerly known as Corey of Powerhouse

Money Waters, Kottonmouth


Big Chief

Tum Tum, SEJ

The Twins from American Idol say they will double Ozones circulation if we put them on the cover. See all the ladies will buy it and then they won't have to give the ladies posters no more they can just give them magazines.

Twisted Black The Realest

Big Chief and Twisted Black


Peezy, Money Waters, Uncle Pauly, Pikahsso


George, JT, Push, Twisted Black

Steve Austin, Head Krack


Blowfly, George Lopez


Mr. Pookie, Mr. Lucci, K-Rock, Pimpsta

Mr. Pookie, Mr. Lucci, K-Rock, Pimpsta, Kottonmouth

Then Wednesday night we did the Hawk tribute show on Damage Control. I didn't want to take too many photos as it was really a somber occassion. But I got a few for y'all. Most importantly, Trae's new tattoo.

Big Hawk RIP

Bam provided the audio we played from Hawk's last concert, less than 24 hours before he was murdered.

Byrd, C-Note, Black Poet

Then the next day Rapid Ric and I headed to Chicago where he spun at the Pontiac Cafe. Shit wa soff the chain. Thanks to Seven from Chocolate Industries for the tight party. See him every first Monday of the month at the Pontiac Cafe. See Rapid Ric with Devin the Dude at Intonation Fest Chicago June 24th.

Rapid Ric

WMD's - Whitey's Makin' Dollars - My man E.C. Illa and myself. E.C. Illa is an independent rap pioneer. Do your homework.


Tim Summers is the editor of Houston based magazine Envy, however I met him back int he day when he wa spublishing Velocity Magazine in Chicago. I wrote for hm back in those days, and always mean to now. Fucking weird to just coincidentally run into him in Chicago.

DJ Risky Business has toured with Juice and releases incredible mixtapes.

My boy Bart (left) probably designed your toothbrush.

And well, that's it for now. Check URGE throughout the week for more realness.