Thursday, March 31, 2005


For those of y'all who don't know, Joey D. is JD's lil brother. For those who don't know, JD is my man from back in the days when he lived in a garage and I didn't quite hate the East Coast yet (I still don't come on now). That's a clean 12-13 years ago. I been knowing JD for years and real deal truth is, he DJed on the first EVER Damage Control 3 years ago next month, but didn't want to be down on the regular cuz he secretly hates hip-hop and only uses it to fit in with New Yorkers.

Anyway, Joey D. is back in the clink, this time, maybe for a loooong time. They already took two years of the boys life for stealing a frickin' chainsaw from a garage outside of Austin (Wilco cops never heard of a word, concept or reality called YOUTH, anyway, I got a speeding ticket in Wilco once when I wasn't even speeding, but I was drunk late at night so I should be thankful). He's up for like, review or some shit in August, and one thing they look for is like, how many people on the outside really give a fuck if this kid is locked up.

This means something for anyone you might know who's been screwed by the system and thrown in the tank (or even murderers and rapists who NEED to be locked up, but still need your letters). But look, what I need from y'all is to take a second and write a letter to this boy (or anyone you know who might be stuck in that system, help your people, help your people). Seriously, if this dude gets inundated with mail, they'll see that he has peoples (whether he does or not) and he will have a better chance of seeing the light of frickin' day again.

He's facing 6 years and is currently sitting flat in Beaumont, TX (possibly rooming with Project Pat??? That could be thowed...). Here's what JD told me:

"He goes in front of the parole board in August. The parole board looks at his behavior, proactivity, and how many people give a shit that he's locked up. I'm asking my homies that know how to read and write and that have an extra 5 minutes to drop the boy a line. I want him out of prison and up here in NY and away from the TX judicial system STAT!!! Please help me. I'll be writing frequently, but I want to inundate his ass with letters. Please help me... i'll buy you drink next time i see you."

And he will, JD drinks like a fool. But yeah yo, write to my man Joey, and anyone else you know on lock. Help 'em get through this shit.

I'll post Pimp C's addy and a few other folks I know who write into Damage Control in the next day or so too. These folks need to know you're out here mayne.

Joseph Harris/9-2-83/#01287066
3295 FM 3514
Beaumont, TX 77705

Hit him up.

Damage Control Last Night Went Off

Maaaaaaan it went down last night in the city of Houston. DJ Chill, DJ Ryno and DJ Keno really got down. Some of y'all will love that boy Keno at the end when he plays Dizzee Rascal - Off to Work Remix (See Dizzee live at Engine Room with GRiT Boys on April 14th), Kano - Reload produced by Diplo (See Diplo live in Houston April 28th), and that new MIA unreleased jam Do Ya or some shit. Man, he goes off. MIA Screwed and Chopped? WHAT?!?!

Also, we start the show off with that boy K-Ruger and Meechie aka Bloa. They say they got a label deal with Def Jam and the shit is signed sealed and delivered. Yet another Houston artist going major. Probably 150 people passed thru the house last night, no exaggeration.

It's right here for you - Click Here

Also, I had this quick convo with Young Catch yesterday. How you love houstonsoreal hitting 60,000 hits in 3 months? We need 60,000 hits an hour. Tell a friend:

Catchdini: hey mayne
Pushermania: yooooooo
Pushermania: jammin that kano
Catchdini: shit is good!
Catchdini: yo last night i went to this panel discussion about blogs/new media @ columbia university that knox was speaking on - knox mentioned how blogs talk about houston rap but rolling stone doesnt and sasha frere jones name dropped houston so real.

We gettin' name dropped on the University level fooooooolllsssss...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fuck the TI / Lil Flip Fight... Here's a real rapper doing real things. K-RINO LIVE IN FINLAND!

Props to LeanSippa, our Belgian correspondent for the photos. Last week K-Rino missed his SXSW appearence, but at least he had a good excuse. The man was performing in Finland. I wasn't there so I can't write a review, but um, once again, a picture is worth a thousand words. And the rumors of a fight between two rappers is good for 15,000 hits in less than 2 days. Thanks to you rapper guys for blowing my shit up. And Peace to K-Rino, I'm going with you next time!

So there you have it. Your man, actually your daddy, K-Rino done went and hit the other side of the globe with his music. Look at that packed house. If the rappers in this city would realize how far their music actually reaches and would focus on getting to other parts of the world and really spreading this sound, we might have something here. But no, most of these fools are gonna sit on their asses, sippin' sizzurp wondering why they can't blow up as big as 50 Cent. Meanwhile, K-Rino has made a viable independent career for himself.

This shit is not gonna stop. Lets not forget that hardly any Houston rappers have ever gone overseas. Not Scarface, almost no one. Lil Flip did a promo tour last year, props to him for that. Two of the 5th Ward Boyz went to Denmark for a show at one point. VG Skillz been over there a couple times. So has Lower Life Form. K-Otix did a couple of bonafied tours and shit. Slim Thug went to a party in Japan with Pharell. Who else??? The shit is just a plane ride away. Get out there and rep, like K-Rino done did. Look at that fuckin' crowd. I mean, please, take a look at those fuckin' crowds. K-Rino was out there killin' it. You can do it too. I'll tour manage. Holler at me if you're real.

The Rumor Mill Keep's A Churnin'

Somebody needs to tell Lil Flip to call me so we can do a real interview about this shit right quick.

Till then here's some audio of TI on Atlanta radio. I didn't listen to it so y'all tell me what he says. O.K.???


Someone saw the video...

This was posted on a few message boards by Burnoneradio. He's been a good source through all of this, lets see how it all pans out...

I feel like such a gay, gossipy, little bitch, but fuck it. 10,000 hits in a day, lets go for 20,000. Shout out to BBK for the tight promotions...

I just saw the video, the actual event only lasted a
minute, at most. There was alot of folks there, but they were just onlookers.
It basically captures a guy sucker punching TI in the back of the head, dude who
hit him got dumped on, then you see flip kinda sneakin up and macboney catches
him and starts goin off on him. The camera gets real shaky around the time mac
was goin at flip so you can't really tell how bad it is, but you can tell by
the crowds reaction that he got it pretty bad. A little after mac started on
flip, shots were fired and everyone scattered. It was real chaotic. But it
really didn't last any longer than a minute. Everyone will see it on the
gangsta grillz dvd thats comin out soon.

Sometimes I release video of myself getting sucker punched...

Friday, March 25, 2005

TI and Lil FLip Fight Story Update

Again, this is coming from an anonymous source, I don't want to drag too many people into this gayness, but this is from someone who was there...

Supposedly TI and them (including DJ Drama) went to Cloverland to film footage for their DVD. I can see 'em all out there acting tough like LOOK FOOLS WE OUT HERE KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN IN FLIPS HOOD KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN WHERE HE AT KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN MY CD COMIN OUT KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN WE OUT HERE WHERE THAT FLIP IS?!?!?

But they announced it on the radio first so boys from Flip's camp scooped him up and took him out there. Supposedly they jumped out the car and someone confronted TI. Flip got in his face, but then someone sucker punched TI and put him on the ground. Then Macboney went off and beat the shit out of Flip. When Flip broke free, he tried to get away but then someone else, or a group of someone elses got Flip and started beating him again.

Then shots were fired and everyone scattered.

Supposedly Zro was there in some capacity but I don't know.

So it sounds like they both got hurt to a certain extent from this story, but again, I wasn't there and I really don't expect either click to come with the real truth anyway. We'll see if and when a video ever comes out.

Another person said what really happened is they were all making out behind a building kissing on each other and shit and when the media rolled up on em they went buckwild and started fighting to keep their tough guy persona's in tact. But um, I don't believe that one.

Funny thing is neither one of these fools is the King of the South and even more importantly no one in either of these crews could ever, ever fuck with Willie Muthafuckin' Dennis.

I got 5000 hits in less than 24 hours... Lets keep this beef shit goin' I'M TRYING TO BLOW UP HERE SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! Come on... If someone dies I bet I'll get 20,000 hits. Wow, that would be like, so cool...

These boys need to stop so I can get back to work.

For something way mor einteresting and enjoyable than this story, click HERE to watch Bun B performing "Pocket Full of Stones" Live at the Fader Party in Austin last week.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Lil Flip and TI Fist Fight in Cloverland, Texas????

Somewhere around 8 p.m. on Thursday March 24th there was an altercation in Cloverland, a neighborhood on the south side of Houston, TX between rappers Lil Flip and TI. The Atlanta rapper had made some disparaging comments about the Houston rapper on Houston radio earlier today and stated that they were on the way to Flip’s neighborhood.

I got all this shit from C-Note of the Botany Boys/Clover G’s, which of course is Flip’s peoples so take it for what it’s worth till I can get confirmations from both sides and hopefully an objective witness, if one exists.

After hearing the shit talking on the radio, C-Note scooped up Flip and took him to a detail shop near the famed Cloverburger where TI and his folks, including Houston’s Lil 3rd, were posted up, possibly shooting footage for a DVD.

The story goes like this, C-Note got out of the car at the detail shop, TI and friends didn’t know Flip was there, and when Flip emerged from the vehicle, a fight between the two rappers broke out (“Just fists, though some people – not affiliated with the Clover G’s camp – started shooting in the air,” states C-Note). Flip allegedly dropped TI first and then a mob of people began to stomp him.

Supposedly a videotape of the incident exists, in TI’s camp.

When asked for a comment, SergDun of said “Jesus this sounds like the Houston version of Grease the movie.”

These motherfuckers need to stop the bullshit. More info when I get it. I’m going to see Xzibit now.

**** UPDATE ****
from an anonymous source -

here is the other story i got about the ti flip shit.. all this beef and fightin shit is gay but here ya go. im gettin reports from people there and flip did not touch t.i.

Flips body guard hit t.i. and big kuntry beat his ass... then flip tried to
sucka punch someone in the psc camp and mac boney handled flip then guns
started poppin... once again flip didnt do shit..and 3rd was no where to be
seen when it went down

i was told c note aint bein real about the situation...

also after i wrote this i was on tss and someone had the same story

[quote="someONE"]Okay, okay. What Im bout to say is from the mouth of a neutral
party out of (someone)'s camp, who isnt on either side. Supposidly, TI and the PSC
were shooting a DVD in the cloverland and the clover g's rolled up. Some guy
out of the clover g's called capone walked up to TI and straight punched him in
the face (i dont know exactly how bad) then Big Kuntry went off on capone. Next
is wild, Flip hopped out the vehicle and started sneakin through the crowd
tryna sneap up on TI, once he got near TI, MacBoney of the PSC caught flip and
whooped the shit out of him. Straight dragged his ass across the parkin lot.
The on lookers said they wanted to beat up flip for gettin his ass whooped that
bad. Thats all I heard. But thats out of (someone)'s camp, so its real.[/quote]

Stop the madness and make music. Of course this could all be just rumor.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Otay Buttwheat it's my SXSW Wrap Up

OK I'm only 3 months into this blog thang here, and I'm already repeating myself. I said it before and I'll say it again, a picture is worth a thousand words. So here's like 74,000 words on this years South By Southwest. Well at least my week at SXSW. The ass above was autographed by Slim Thug and Chingo Bling and is now on Ebay going for upwards of $250. Get to it quick, before the ink wears off.

B1 of the South Park Coalition

Mr. Bavu Blakes always wrecks

Respect the man

Zin also always wrecks

My boy Bob at a boutique buying... wait no thats the thowed Fader House

Bun Bizzle performing at his Bday party at Fader House

Cartel de Santa from Monterrey, Mexico


Chingo Bling slayed 'em

C-Mon & Kypski from Amsterdam had probably the most interesting show I saw. Think Skratch Pikles meets Instant Composers Pool. Fucking thowed.

These boys, Daara J from Senegal had more soul than the entire rest of the SXSW put together and multiplied by 10. Even more than Blowfly. Seriously, pick up their album Boomrang. They are amazing and cool as a fan...


DJ Panko (Ojos de Brujo) from Barcelona is no joke

D-Madness isn't either

Dirty South Rydaz

Elliot from Fader and Damon from Blur

Eternia reppin' tha T-Dot


G.R.i.T. Boys

Jessicasoreal from Spectre, Diplodicus and my man Piotr


DJ Lt. Dan

Magno came and wrecked with Rapid Ric and Chalie Boy

MC Fatal is insane

Mojoe from San Antonio

Moodruff from Canada

Mr. Cree was my roommate in 1994

Murder 1 of South Park Coalition

Murder 1 and B1

Ovadose used to be in the Grind Family, he wrecks. From East Chicago, IN

Slim Thug and Killa Kyleon

Boss Hogg Outlawz reppin'

The crowd at Slim Thugs show...

....was thowed (Diplo and CatchDubs)

Diplo and Slim Thug

The new notepad

DJ Spinner T

Trae killed it 30 deep

Trae and Zro

Joseph W. McVey

Next year I'll do two shows. Not seven. I'm still exhausted, can't write, looking for work, and wishing I was a better photographer. Anyone wanna give me D70 lessons? Ugh. I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves. Chill says we kicked butt, next year all y'all need to come down. Peace to everyone who said they like my blog, that means more than anything. Now gimme some work.
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